The Harris Center offers two specialized, proven treatment for people with borderline personality disorder (BPD). Symptoms of BPD include emotional difficulties (moodiness, anger), interpersonal difficulties (conflict or ups and downs in relationships, worry about abandoment), and behavioral difficulties (impulsivity, self-injurious behaviors). However, you don't have to be diagnosed with BPD to benefit from this program; if you experience any of the symptoms described above, the BPD treatment Program might be a good fit. Here is an overview of the two treatments we offer.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). DBT is a comprehensive program that includes weekly individual therapy (one-on-one with a therapist), weekly group therapy (Monday evenings from 6-8pm), and access to an after hours phone for skill coaching. DBT teaches skills to cope with strong emotions that contribute to interpersonal and behavioral difficulties. These skills include distress tolerance, emotion regulation, interpersonal effectiveness, and mindfulness. People usually particpate in DBT for 6 months.
BPD Compass: BPD Compass is a short-term treatment for BPD with good results. This program involves weekly individual therapy and access to an after hours phone to reach your therapist between sessions (as needed). BPD Compass targets underlying risk factors that lead to symptoms of BPD and other common disorders (anxiety, depression, eating disorders, substance misuse). Treatment begins with values identification to help with identity difficulties and build motivation. Then, patients learn thinking skills (cognitive flexibility), doing skills (behavior change), and being skills (mindfulness). This program usually lasts about 18 sessions or 5-6 months.
If you are interested in this program, you can schedule a general phone screening for the Harris Center. Tell the phone screener that you are interested in the BPD Treatment Program and they will connect you with our team.